九議會聯合抗華 9 Parliaments joined against China

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早前香港監察發起聯署獲36國逾700政要聯署,在該些國家當中,九個議會組成聯盟IPAC( Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China)該九個議會來自八個國家及歐盟,分別為:加拿大、美國、英國、歐盟、德國、日本、澳洲、挪威、瑞典。每個議會派出一至兩名代表。


An international cross-party alliance of legislators from nine global parliaments was today announced to push governments to adopt a tougher stance on China. The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) is to be led by one parliamentarian from each of the major political movements in each country. Prominent co-chairs, including former US Presidential candidates, party leaders, and former Foreign Ministers, are to lead the new
organisation. Announcing the group, the co-chairs warned that governments “ China under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party represents a global challenge” . Adding “ No nation should be able to
freely jeopardise global values and human rights”.

澳洲——澳洲情報局主席、自由黨員、國會議員Andrew Hastie、外交國防及貿易顧問委員會主席、工黨黨員、參議員Kimberly Kitching
加拿大——保守黨加中特別委員會成員詹努斯(Garrett Genuis)、前自由黨司法部長及知名人權鬥士高特拿(Irwin Cotler)
歐盟——德國綠黨前主席、對中關係代表團團長、國會議員Reinhard Bütikofer、斯洛伐克外交委員會成員、基督教民主運動國會議員Miriam Lexmann
德國——聯邦議員、綠黨人權發言人Margarete Bause、基督教民主聯盟成員、人權及人道救援委員會主席Michael Brand
瑞典——自由黨國會議員、外交事務委員 Fredrik Malm、知名社運人士Elisabet Lann
英國——工黨Baroness Helena Kennedy、保守黨前黨魁Iain Duncan-Smith
美國——參議員及前總統候選人盧比奧(Marco Rubio)、少數黨最資深委員及參議員Robert Menendez

Australia— co-chaired by Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, Andrew Hastie MP
(Lib), and, Chair of Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, Senator
Kimberly Kitching (Lab).

Canada — co-chaired by Garnett Genuis (Con), member of the Special Committee on
Canada-China Relations, and Hon. Irwin Cotler , former Liberal Attorney-General and
renowned human rights campaigner.

The European Parliament — co-chaired by Reinhard Bütikofer MEP (Green), Chair of
Delegation for relations with the People’s Republic of China and Miriam Lexmann MEP
(EPP), member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Germany – co-chaired by Margarete Bause MdB (Green) party spokesperson on human
rights, and Michael Brand MdB (CDU) chair of the Committee on Human Rights and
Humanitarian Aid.

Japan — co-chaired by Rep. Shiori Yamao (Ind), member of the committee on Judicial
Affairs and commission on the Constitution House of Representatives, and Rep. Gen
Nakatani (LDP), Diet member and former Defence Minister.

Norway – co-chaired by Trine Skei Grande (Liberal), Leader of the Liberal Party, and
Michael Tetzschner , vice Chair for the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence.

Sweden — co-chaired by Fredrik Malm MP (LPP), Riksdagsledamot and Member of the
Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Elisabet Lann , the well-known human rights activist
and member, Göteborgs Stad

United Kingdom — co-chaired by Baroness Helena Kennedy , the Labour peer and
acclaimed human rights barrister, and Iain Duncan-Smith , former leader of the
Conservative Party.

The United States of America — co-chaired by Senator Marco Rubio , former
Presidential candidate and Acting Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, and Senator
Robert Menendez , ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Relations

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