傲濤擬調整對中共政策Erin O’Toole: Reset China Policy

保守黨候選黨魁傲濤(Erin O’Toole)周六晚(2月29日)出席保守黨特為在加港人而設的候選主席簡介會。此會由港人保守黨員籌辦,並邀得Hong Kong Watch聯合創辦人Aileen Calverley出席。傲濤自稱並非政客,而是作為一個軍人、商人、父親、律師、退伍軍人部長、國會議員。被問及為何比另一候選主席麥崎(Peter Mackay)更適合做保守黨黨魁,他表示他比較切合這時代。麥崎是一個很好的政客,但傲濤則在外交事宜上有對中国政策,切合這時代。被問及他會否好像其他政客一樣開空頭支票,他自詡牙齒當金使,大家可以找他過去承諾紀錄為證。

A meet-and-greet event of one of the candidates of Canada’s Conservative Party Leader Erin O’Toole and Canadian Hong Kongers was held last Saturday night (Feb 29). The event was organized by a Hong Kong Canadian Conservative member, and invited Aileen Calverley, co founder of Hong Wtach as a guest speaker.

Erin O’Toole presented himself as a soldier, merchant, father, lawyer, minister of veteran affairs, as well as member of parliament, but a politician. When he was challenged for the capability of becoming the leader when compared against one of his competitors, Peter Mackay, he responded that he was the suitable person for the times. He admitted that Mackay was somewhat a good politician, but he excelled Mackay in terms of foreign affairs, especially handling issues involving China, which fit the current situation the most. Some audience doubted whether his words were empty, and he responded that his actions always spoke louder than words, which were well supported by his track records.


He stated that he stood firm with Hong Kong for the actual execution of “One Country, Two Systems” policy, and would have concrete actions to save the two Michaels kidnapped by the Chinese government. He would fight against the invasion of enterprises from China on local business development, such as Huawei. He would support those Hong Kongers seeking asylum, and stop the values of Canada, such as freedom of speech, justice, democracy, being eroded by China. He will support those asylum seekers from Hong Kong, and fight against the erosion of freedom of speech, justice, democracy from China influence.


He doubted on Trudeau government on tactics, measures, for example tackling Wuhan Virus.


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