航班影片為錯誤訊息之說武斷 It’s arbitrary to say “The video is a case of misinformation”

《環球新聞》指出,關於「中國飛抵多倫多航班」之影片含錯誤訊息,此事件與武漢肺炎無關。其記者Jamie Mauracher於推特指出,皮爾區救護員表示,病人與武漢肺炎無關。

According to Global News, the video about the flight from China to Toronto includes false message, and this case is not related to Coronavirus. Global News journalist Jamie Mauracher wrote a post in Twitter, saying: “This video is getting tons of play tonight. Our @NWestoll spoke to @Peel_Paramedics who tell @globalnewsto this is a case of misinformation. Patient was taken off plane for what paramedics say is believed to be a NON #coronavirus related issue. ”


It’s arbitrary to say that “the video is a case of misinformation”. The title of the video is “The flight from China to Toronto found 7 patients having fever, and no one was allowed to get off.” This title mentioned neither anything about Coronavirus nor any confirmed case. It could only be saying “misinformation” if the flight is not from China to Toronto or the number of fever patient is wrong. The latent period of Coronavirus can be as long as 2 weeks, and it is possible that no symptoms, especially fever is present. In the history, some “negative” cases became confirmed case afterwards.


It is irrational to be either panic or contempt. There are 7711 Coronavirus confirmed cases and 170 deaths up to now. The death rate of the virus is 2.2% which seems not high, but such fatality cannot be ignored.

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