華女發起#saysrytoAmerica from Chinese women

中国將武漢肺炎散播全球,又與世衛扯貓尾淡化成COVID-19,再發動大外宣推卸責任至西方國家,美國總統唐老侵以「Chinese virus」反擊,德國明鏡週刊也以封面寫明武漢肺炎源自中国。正所謂行家一出手便知有沒有,中国國家主席習近平一直噤若寒蟬、縱容下屬四出宣揚武漢肺炎來自外國,上週唐老侵一個記者會,指明要習近平出聲,不容習近平左閃右避。前日(3月19日)有中国女學生在社交媒體發起 #saysrytoAmerica 活動,為將中国病毒帶到美國道歉,為中国共產黨及中国人所作所為感到羞恥。官媒、五毛暫息旗鼓,習近平未發一言,卻由弱女粉墨登場,與2015年Figo Chan陳皓桓在拍攝本土示威者「弄哭」大陸拖篋母女同一個戲碼。三十六計當中第34計,敗戰計類別的苦肉計。

China has been spreading Wuhan Coronavirus globally, then WHO helped China to change the name to COVID-19, cut the name of Wuhan. After that, China shifted the responsibility to Western countries by spreading the wrong message “the virus comes from US army”. To strike back, Der Spiegel in German point out “Wuhan Coronavirus comes from China”, and US president Donald Trump named it “Chinese Virus”.

China president Xi Jinping said nothing about the virus but told the government officials to spread the wrong message, and in a conference US president Trump invited Xi to talk about it, this made Xi no longer hide away. March 19, a Chinese female student in US launched a movement called #saysrytoAmerica , in order to apologize to US, and shame on CCP and Chinese. Chinese officials, web army and Xi respond nothing, but pushed a girl to the stage. We Hong Kongers find the drama repeats those happened in 2015. In 2015, a Chinese women and her daughter cried “due to ” the localist protest, and Pan Democratic politician Figo Chan recorded the video and uploaded to social media, know as “tears attack”. This is one of the “36 strategies” in ancient China, in the categories of “strategies when losing”, named “pretend to be victims”.



“I am a Chinese. I want to say sorry for America. Sorry for bringing the Chinese virus to the US. Sorry for being silent about what CCP has done to conceal the truth and benefit the dissemination of the #WuhanVirus. Sorry for spreading misinformation via Wechat. #CCPVirus Saying the American Army bringing the virus to Wuhan. Sorry for inconvenience for virus. I also feel sorry for Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese and other Asians who are wrongly recognized as Chinese and treated as Chinese. I am a Chinese, so I responsible for all bad things that Chinese and the government had done. Like German still say sorry for the Jewish people for the genocide. Now the virus is killing more than that genocide. The biggest fault is to allow the CCP to lie and we don’t stand out to oppose it. This is a fault. I know that Chinese Exclusion is happening. It is inescapable. I fully understand that the hatred towards Chinese. Essentially, if my family and I are innocent to get involved to this virus because of evil regime. And meanwhile I see many Chinese dare support that cruel regime. I would hate Chinese more than others. As a Chinese, I think our race group should not step back from the duty and just saying that Chinese people are not CCP the members. Because I know a lot of Chinese living in America, having green cards and espousing the Chinese government. They are vested interest. I know a lot of Chinese living aboard and teaching their Children Chinese identity even their children get American passports. So I am very shameful on my race. We should say sorry for every innocent person who is influence by the Chinese Virus. I think the Chinese government should pay the cost. Pay the huge amount of compensation to America. I here by launch the movement of #saysrytoAmerica . If you are living in America, you should love America country and hate the Chinese government. If you can’t make it, go back to your country!! No one can serve two masters.”



CCP did not the first time to use the strategy “pretend to be victims”. CCP did that in Korea battle in the Cold War. There are millions of ex-KMT army who failed to enter Taiwan and surrendered to CCP, and CCP sent them to Korea and feed the bullets of US army until the US army found the scene was too cruel and stopped the attack.

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