瘋傳片段中病者數目成疑 The patient number in The viral video cannot be confirmed
A video viral in the internet yesterday, that video titled “7 passenger got fever in a flight from China to Toronto” and we reported that news. Yesterday Global News reported that video contain false information. Today Ming Pao and Sing Tao Daily News reported that it is incorrect that 7 people got fever, only an elderly heart beat became rapid since the change of air pressure.
據《明報》報道:「有一位讀者致電《明報》,表示該班機並非由中國出發,是 AC016香港飛來多倫多的班機,在傍晚約6時半降落後,一名長者因降落時氣壓改變而心跳急促,覺得不舒服,於是艙務員召喚機場救護員登機施救。 」、「這讀者認為發放視頻的人用心歹毒,特意將香港來的航班說成是上海來的,又造假地說機上7人發燒。雖然發放者沒提過新型冠狀病毒,但顯而易見想人向這方面聯想,藉以在加拿大散佈病毒恐慌,實在是居心叵測。 對於此事,加航發言人昨日表示:加航證實急救員於2020年1月29日登上由香港抵達的16號航班,處理一名有病乘客。後來接獲衞生部門通知,此事與新型冠狀病毒無關。」
According to the news from Ming Pao, “A reader phone Ming Pao and said that the flight is AC016, and that flight is not departed from China but Hong Kong. An elderly was not feeling well result from rapid heart beat due to the change of air pressure. That reader said that the uploader of the video have a devilish deed, intensively said that the flight is from Shanghai, but the fact that it’s depart from Hong Kong. The uploader fabricated 7 passengers got fever. Although the uploader didn’t mention about Coronavirus, obviously the uploader intend to cause panic in Canada. The uploader is not pure minded. The spokesman of Air Canada said that a paramedic handled one patient at the flight number 16 in 29th January 2020. We received the notice from health related department, this case is not related to Coronavirus. “
本報記者嘗試查證《明報》之報道,在加拿大航空官網、Facebook及Twitter均未有就該航班發布消息。本報亦向加拿大航空查詢,惟在截稿時間仍未獲回覆。由於《明報》所說之加航發言人並沒有姓名,故無法證明其真偽。加拿大聯邦政府網頁之新聞欄、安省政府衞生部門之新聞欄亦不見相關報道。此外,本報記者亦查看各大報章有否報道該航班有無發燒者及人數,結果只看見中文報章《明報》及《星島》有提及。《Global and Mail》、《Toronto Stars》、《CBC》、《Global News》均無相關報道。至截稿為止,並無證據證明《明報》及《星島日報》關於航班無發燒之說屬實,亦無法證明其報道有誤。只是《明報》之報道僅有兩份以中國人為對象之傳媒報道、消息來源無名無姓、相關機構無公開資料,不禁令人聯想到反修例運動之新聞也是不同報章各有說法。
Our reporter try the fact check the report of Ming Pao. According the Air Canada’s website, Facebook and Twitter, no news about that incident can be found. Since Ming Pao did not mention the name of the Air Canada’s spokesman, their article cannot be proved or disproved. Our reporter asked Air Canada and got no reply until this article posted. We cannot find any news about the incident in the government website Canada.ca nor the website of Ontario’s ministry of health. Only Chinese media Ming Pao and Sing Tao Daily News reported this news. We cannot find any news talking about the number of patient of the incident in Global and Mail, Toronto Stars, CBC or Global News. Until the deadline of posting this article, no evidence can be found to prove the article of Ming Pao, and no evidence can be found to disprove their article. However, about the article of Ming Pao, no media besides 2 Chinese Newspaper report this, no name of any source disclosed, no information can be find in related organizations. This kind of news is common in Chinese newspapers in reporting the Anti-ELAB news.
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