農曆新年將至,不少人早已在西曆新年添置新一年的年曆,因為一般年曆都是西曆,最多附以農曆及節氣。港產風水師兼遊戲設計師Mimi Tsoi親自操刀設計了一款2020黃金鼠生肖座檯月曆,適合用家用五行、奇門遁甲等方法擇日。她笑言,會用這款年曆決定買六合彩的日子,因為可以看到哪一日配自己的八字有較高中獎機率。
It’s about the lunar new year. Many brought their own calendar in the new year since we used the western calendar. These calendar are western based, at most add some lunar dates and festivals. Hong Kong Fung-Shui specialist and game designer Mimi Tsoi designed a lunar styled calendar named “2020 golden mouse calendar”, and it suits for the choosing of date and fate calculation. As Mimi Tsoi said, she use it to decide the date of buying lottery in order to raise the winning chance.
自從日不落國大不列顛殖民全球、清朝衰亡,百多年來英語都是國際語言,西方科學觀、西裝等歐洲文化一直都是全球唯一主流。Mimi Tsoi指出,覺得世界對中式概念理解愈來愈少。現代西方社會用不同的學科去解釋世界,往日華人則是用一套五行去解釋,因此非常省事。例如五常為仁禮智義信、五志為怒喜思悲恐、五音為宮宮商角徵羽、五臟為肝心脾肺腎等等,都能互相對應,也有一套計算方法。
Since UK colonized most of the world at the last two centuries, the western culture, English language and western science become the main stream of the world. Mimi Tsoi said, lesser and lesser people have Chinese concept. To interpret the world, western use many different subjects, Chinese just use 5 elements. For example, virtue, music, organs, moods can also be divided into 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, gold, water.
Eight characters of a horoscope is a method calculating the Heavenly Stems and Earth Branches. The elements good to our fortune is the one we need. If you need water element, you will have luck in the most of the time in the coming year.
Besides a calendar, her calendar attached some explanation about 5 elements. It is useful to study the ancient scrolls grasp the traditional wisdom. Since your language and culture are your real identity, it is good for you to learn being yourselves. Kasyno online 2024

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