被捕規律 Hong Kong police’s way of arresting

文/ Author:Sammy Wan
譯/Translator:Apeiron Cheung

1. 首先警方會派出調查人員係目標人物附近進行觀察及跟蹤。目的係收集佢目標「團伙」既日常習慣,例如返工收工時間,咩時間會係屋企入面。

First, the spectators of police department will follow the target and observe their living environment. They aim at collecting the living habit of the target group, such as the working schedule and when will the target stay at home.

2. 經過3-5日既跟蹤同觀察,調查組就會編製出目標人物既生活習慣同係屋企休息既時間。

Second, after the observation about 3 to 5 days, the investigating team will make the time table of the target, including the target’s schedule and when that person stay at home.

3. 當收集到整個目標「團伙」的生活習慣之後,就會找出整合出「團伙」共同休息或者係固定位置既時間。最理想既地點係屋企咁就可以直接入屋搜羅所有佢覺得係證物既物品。

Third, after completed the collection of the living schedule of the target group, they will figure out the common resting time or a time in a common place. The ideal place is in their homes, which the cops can enter their home directly and collect every items that they believed can be used as evidence.

4. 通常會在三到五日內就進行爆門拘捕行動,同一時間內同時進行,目的係避免有人通報之後有人成功逃脫。

The cops will take action to arrest in 3 to 5 days, and arrest all the targets at the same time. It is to avoid someone escape after receive the information of the others.

5. 團伙越多人,跟蹤時間會更長,過去經驗如果警方想一網打盡15個以上,跟蹤時間會由3-5日 變成 1-2星期既長時間觀察。

The more people in the same team, the longer the following period. According to the past experience, if the police want to arrest a group of more than 15, the length of following period will be enlarged from 3 to 5 days to 1 to 2 weeks.


The passage and order above is the observation base on fact. In the few days before arrested, Tony Chung and Angus Chow posted in Facebook that they were being followed or watched. If anyone find yourself has been followed for many days, please do mental preparation.


Posted by 周庭 Agnes Chow Ting on Sunday, August 9, 2020
Police took photos outside Anuse Chow’s home in August 9th, and arrest her in the next day.

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