33加國政要參與彭督聯署/ 33 Canadian Politicians have signed the international Joint statement supporting Hong Kong
(5月26日中午12時ESTupdated)據香港監察(Hong Kong Watch)消息,《彭督聯署》之參與者已來自30個國家的276名政要。當中加拿大有26名國會議員、3名參議員及4名前部長級政要簽署,暫時共33人,為三三不盡之數。當中包括保守黨有23名國會議員及2名參議員、3名民主黨國會議員及1名參進盟(Progressive Senate Group)參議員。之前曾任要職者包括2名自由黨員、1名保守黨員及1名獨立無黨派者。
Source from Hong Kong Watch facebook page. The co-sign supporting Hong Kong led by Former Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten, 33 Canadians politicians signed the joint statement. They includes 26 MPs, 3 Senators and 4 former policy makers, which is 26 from Conservative, 3 from NDP, 3 from Liberal and 1 independent.
23 MPs, 2 Senators and 1 former policy makers from Conservative Party signed the joint statement, they includes:
副黨魁及影子外長柯梨花(Leona Alleslev)、影子倫理部長巴域(Michael Barrett)、影子國防部長詹貝贊(James Bezan)、博嘉莉(Kelly Block)、趙錦榮(Kenny Chiu)、古柏(Michael Cooper)、前經貿部長法斯(Ed Fast)、影子多元文化及加中係部長詹努斯(Garnett Genuis)、赫打(Rachael Harder)、珍珊(Tamara Jansen)、麥展路(Matt Jeneroux)、白基利(Pat Kelly)、簡彼德(Peter Kent)、基克(Tom Kmiec)、麥高文(Phil McColeman)、米利勞(Eric Melillo)、影子退伍軍人部長奧圖爾(Erin O’Toole)、派澤(Jeremy Patzer)、施壁(Kyle Seeback)、史丹頓(Bruce Stanton)、華根濤(Cathay Wagantall)、華蓋芬(Kevin Waugh)、威廉辛(John Williamson)。2名參議員包括前議長侯沙哥(Leo Housakos)、吳清海(Thanh Hai Ngo)。前外長麥基(Peter Mackay)亦有參與聯署。
Senator Jim Muson from Progressive Senate Group signed the Joint Statment.
參進盟(Progressive Senate Group)有一名參議員參與聯署,他是詹滿生(Jim Munson)。
2 former policy makers from Liberal signed the joint statement, they are:
自由黨則有兩名前政策制訂者參與聯署,包括前司法部長及參議員高特拿(Irwin Colter)、前安省省長李博。
3 MPs from NDP signed the joint statement, they are:
新民主黨共3名國會議員參與聯署,包括夏華思(Jack Harris)、關慧貞(Jenny Kwan)、麥花臣(Heather McPherson)。
David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific and former MP signed the joint statement.
獨立無黨派者有前亞太事務秘書喬戈(David Kilgour)。
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