opening the NPO

Purpose of Corporation

TOHKNEWS is a not-for-profit initiative to promote and conserve Hong Kong vernacular and written language. TOHKNEWS achieves this goal by means including, but not limited to, reporting news, vignettes and poetry in Hong Kong vernacular language hence helps to maintain a Hong Kong vernacular environment . TOHKNEWS aims at making connections between authentic Hong Kong people and Canadian communities.

Classes of Members

The corporation is authorized to establish Class A , Class B and Class C members as follows:
(1) The Class A members are signing members with voting power. Signing power include doing the following under the consensus of 60% of Class A, B, members: 1) Signing documents on behalf of TOHKNEWS 2) Making deal with third party or authorize a Class B member to make deal with third party on behalf of TOHKNEWS. Class A members shall be entitled to receive notice of and to attend all meetings of the members of the Corporation and each Class A member shall have one (1) vote at each such meeting, except for meetings at which only members of another class are entitled to vote separately as a class.

(2) The Class B members are voting members. Looking for bride abroad? Find best ukrainian brides over 40 for marriage online. Best ukrainian dating sites for chat. Class B members shall be entitled to receive notice of and to attend all meetings of the members of the Corporation and each Class B member shall have one (1) vote at each such meeting, except for meetings at which only members of another class are entitled to vote separately as a class.

(3) The Class C members are non-voting members. Except as otherwise provided by the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, S.C. 2009, c23 the Class C members shall not be entitled to receive notice of, attend or vote at meetings of the members of the Corporation.

Distributing of Property on Liquidation

Any property remaining on liquidation of the Corporation, after discharge of liabilities, shall be distributed to one or more quantified donees within the meaning of subsection 248(a) of the Income Tax Act.
III-1: The claiming of organization expenses can be performed by Core Members, with the majority approval of other voting members,