加國不限制中国人入境 Canada refuse to block Chinese from border

聯邦政府宣布不會跟隨美國、澳洲限制中国人入境,並表示美澳兩國做法不對。杜魯多總理現身和中国人握手擁抱,爲中国打氣。衛生部長海度(Patty Hajdu)明確表示:「加拿大不會跟隨美國和澳洲限制中国人(或去過中国的外國人)入境。我們認爲禁止入境的做法現無證據支持,也並不合理。」

Federal Government announced that United States and Austria did wrong in restricting Chinese visitors and Canada would not follow. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hugged and shook hands with Chinese and cheer up with them. Minister of Health Patty Hajdu stated that Canada would not follow U.S. and Austria’s policy of restricting Chinese (and who been to China). We believes that the restriction do not have evidence to support and irrational.

海度再次重申,加拿大境內大量感染並傳播武漢肺炎的概率很小,無證據表明無症狀的人會傳播這一病毒,公衆不需要過度擔心。 另外,數日前中国再多一單無症狀確診。 根據溫州市衛生健康委員會資料,一名現居於浙江省瑞安市的32歲女子確診。該女子1月20日從武漢前往馬來西亞旅遊,1月27日從馬來西亞回到溫州,無症狀,主動申報來自武漢,目前於醫療機構進行隔離治療。

Patty Hajdu restated that it is no need to worry since the probability of the outbreak and spread of Coronavirus remains low, and no evidence shows that anyone without symptoms can spread the Coronavirus. According to the report from Health Commsion of Wenzhou (local government of China), it is confirmed that a 32 years old women who living in Wenzhou to be a patient of Coronavirus. This women left Wuhan and went to Malaysia in 20th January, and backed to Wenzhou at 27th. She do not have any symptoms and now self isolated in medical organizations.

另外,總理杜魯多親自出席士嘉堡活力商場(Woodside Square)的農曆新年活動,和在場的中国人握手、擁抱,爲中国人打氣。杜魯多表示:「在加拿大,沒有任何地方可以容忍恐懼和歧視(中国人)!這些都是錯誤的訊息。加拿大是所有加拿大人的,不分你我!」

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attended a Lunar New Year event in Woodside Square in Scarborough, and shook hands and hug with the Chinese there. Justin Trudeau said that nowhere in Canada can tolerate fear and discrimination (of Chinese). All of these are wrong message. Canada belongs to every Canadian regardless their race.

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