奧圖爾撐年青人才計劃 Erin O’Toole support Young Talents Scheme to provide a lifeline to Hong Kong youths
加拿大政界近來越來越多人表態撐港,兩大撐港行動包括救人(年青人才計劃,Young Talents Scheme )、主持正義(Magnitsky Sanction)。剛剛保守黨奧圖爾宣布支持年青人才計劃。保守黨國會議員奧圖爾、趙錦榮、參議員候沙哥(Leo Housakos),以及無黨派的Stephen Greene紛紛表態支持,候沙哥更去信杜魯多總理要求推行年青人才計劃。保守黨國會議員詹貝贊亦已支持制裁中港官員。
More and more Canadian MPs support Hong Kong, including support the Young Talents Scheme and Magnitsky sanction to China and Hong Kong officials. They included but not limited to Conservative parliamentarians Erin O’Toole MP, Kenny Chiu MP, James Bezen MP, Senator Leo Housakos, and independent parliamentarian Stephen Greene MP. James Bezen sent a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to discussing about Magnitsky Sanction.
軍旅出身的奧圖爾在表明支持香港抗爭人士時以「support the brave people of Hong Kong」,相信是支持勇武抗爭的手足。其內容為支持年青人才計劃、在良民證方面視示威相關犯法並非犯罪、使加國港僑更易以資助方式營救香港流亡手足。
Erin O’Toole MP, who serviced in army, said support the brave people of Hong Kong in his homepage. It is believed that he support the brave brothers and sisters who fight for democracy in the front line and defend those behind. He support Hong Kongers in 3 main points:
- Supporting a “Young Talents” program to encourage young people from Hong Kong to come to Canada to study;
- Not using any arrest, charge or conviction for protesting in Hong Kong as a rationale to deny visas; and
- Making it easier for the Hong Kong Canadian community to sponsor the refugee applications of pro-democracy activists fleeing Communist repression.
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