杜魯多出超必:你歧視! Trudeau counter strike: Racism !
正競逐聯邦保守黨黨魁的安省國會議員施龍(MP Derek Sloan),在電郵及社交媒體質疑加拿大衛生部長譚詠詩「為加拿大還是中国工作?」並要求她下台,該黨黨領熙爾(Andrew Scheer)對此拒絕評論,總理杜魯多沒有正面回應,反而指摘這是偏執和種族主義言論。
The Conservative Party, its departing leader, and prospective candidates are refraining from criticizing widely condemned comments made by leadership candidate and Tory MP Derek Sloan, who suggested Canada’s top doctor is a pawn for China.
Mr. Sloan, a rookie Ontario MP, called for Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam to be fired in fundraising e-mails and social media posts this week. In one video, he asks: “Does she work for Canada or for China?”
In the “11am 7DO” in this Thursday, PM Justin Trudeau express his opinion towards MP Derek Sloan when being asked. Mr. Trudeau described Mr. Sloan’s remarks and separate incidents of anti-Asian hate as intolerant and racist and said they have “no place in our country.”
In the “36 tactics” in traditional Oriental wisdom, a tactics called “hitting the glass and fear the snakes”. When the snakes fear, all of them came out to sunlight.
香港裔保守黨國會議員莊文浩(Michael Chong)對斯隆的言論表示「感到憤怒」。他說父親1952年移民到加拿大時身無分文,幾經艱苦才成為醫生,指父親跟譚詠詩一樣,「對本國的忠誠不容質疑」。莊文浩稱,「我所認識的保守黨不代表這種垃圾觀點」,並指施龍在黨魁競逐「一定失敗收場」。
同為安省國會議員的保守黨登勤 (Eric Duncan)也在社交媒體貼文表示,自己對譚詠詩有關疫情的建議存疑,但「絕不會質疑她對加拿大的忠誠」。
Conservative MPs Michael Chong, Eric Duncan, Eric Melillo and Michelle Rempel Garner all condemned Mr. Sloan’s comments, leaving them out of step with their party’s most senior officials. The Conservative Party did not provide comment nor did the party’s leadership committee co-chairs. None of the other three leadership candidates would criticize Mr. Sloan.
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