Michael Chong, the MP of the Wellington-Halton Hills riding, has been re-elected to the riding this Monday.
Chong was re-elected with 47.7 per cent of the votes.
Chong, whose father is a Hong Kong immigrant, has been a vocal Conservative critic of the Liberal’s attitude towards Hong Kong and China’s foreign policy.
On June 10, Chong asked the Prime Minister to make a clear statement about the Extradition bill and take a démarche with the government in Beijing or the Government of Hong Kong.
The bill has caused thousands of protesters to take the street since June 2019 due to the fear of violating ‘one country, two systems,’ a promise made by the Chinese government to preserve Hong Kong’s autonomy.
According to Chong, the bill would allow “anyone in Hong Kong, including 300,000 Canadians living there, to be extradited to mainland China where two Canadians are being improperly detained and two others are on death row.
He said the Canadian government needs to send a clear signal it will oppose military action by Beijing to quash the protests, the CBC previously reported.
A petition authorized by Chong was initiated to ask Canada to imposed sanctions on Hong Kong and Chinese officials who violate human rights.
10, 405 people have signed the petition since Aug. 12. It was closed for signature on Sep. 11, the same day when the Parliament dissolved before the federal election.
However, Petition e-2268 will not receive a government response due to the dissolution of the House of Commons.
According to the House of Commons, petitioner who wishes to pursue an issue in the form of an e-petition in the next Parliament may start the process anew on Nov. 12.
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