Teachers’ Union defends elementary teacher deregistered for talking about freedom of speech
A teacher from Kowloon Tong Alliance Primary School has been deregistered after being accused of using pro-independence materials in class back in March 2019.
The Education Bureau announced last week that the teacher had used a lesson plan that involved “promoting” the banned Hong Kong National Party and Hong Kong independence as part of a discussion on freedom of speech.
The Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union (HKPTU) said On October 11 that the government has provided misleading information to justify the deregistration of the elementary school teacher. The union also commented the disqualification plus the ban on entering campuses as “severe punishment”.
The union dismissed the bureau’s claim that the teacher intended to “impose independence ideology on students”, saying other teachers who had followed the lesson plan had engaged open-ended discussions on freedom of speech among students. Students were not affected by independence ideology as the bureau previously claimed.
The union criticized the investigation by the bureau as “black box operation”, denying the disqualified teacher an opportunity to defend himself. The union also commented that the ruling based on one lesson plan as “ridiculous”.
Vice president of HKPTU, Ip Kin-yuen, said the union will help the teacher submit appeal on Monday.
source: https://www.hkptu.org/79552
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