專訪:西藏青年領袖Sunny Sonam : we need to stick together because unity is power
西藏青年議會副主席Sunny Sonam表示,他參加今日(7月1日)集會,就是為了反共。建黨100週年對中共來說是值得高興的日子,但這100年來,中共帶來的,卻是悲劇和死亡。
Sunny Sonam, the vice president of Regional Tibetan Youth Congress of Toronto (RTYC of Toronto) said: “The reason why I feel like doing this protest is [to go] against Chinese Communist. They are celebrating around the world saying that [there are] 100 years of happiness. But when you look at it, it is not happiness: how many tragedies, how many lives have been lost.”
His grandfather was in jail for 10 years. More than 100 million people had to flee, and now the same as East Turkestan and looking at Hong Kong. Now they are targeting Taiwan. This is the reason of he feel like this protest must happen. That’s the reason why he reached out to the other communities: Hong Kong, East Turkestan, Taiwan. He said: “And I always tell them we need to stick together because unity is power. So that’s why we are here.”
他表示,中共正製造西藏人樂也融融的假象去欺騙世界。若果他的兄弟姐妹都在本國生活愉快,他才不會出來抗爭。他可以享受long weekend,去遠足,去見朋友。不過真相是,在西藏的兄弟姐妹,正在水深火熱之中。
“Chinese government is showing the world all Tibetan people are happy. That’s all bullshit. If our brothers and sisters are really happy inside our own country, I won’t be doing this [protesting]. I’ll be now [enjoying] long weekend, camping, and having fun with my friends. But I know the reality: a lot of our brothers and sisters are suffering inside Tibet.” He said.
“About the organization that I’m volunteering [for], Chinese government takes this organization as a terrorist [group]. Yes, we are “terrorists”. But we are “terrorists” with peace. We are “terrorists” with a pen and voices.” He said.
“Whenever Canadian government talks about human rights, they are always hesitant to mention Tibet. This should not be. We are the ones who have been suffering for almost 62 years. Chinese Communist Party took our country way back in 1959 [which] was the Uprising Day. Canadian government should really stand up, and talk about our people and our basic human rights.” he said.
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專訪:西藏青年領袖Sunny Sonam : we need to stick together because unity is power
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