美聽證會關注港人權 Hong Kong human rights concerns raised at US Foreign Affairs Committee hearing
【多聞訊】正值12月10日國際人權日,美國國會外交事務委員會亞洲小組舉辦題為「中國特色的專制主義:政治、宗教人權備受中國挑戰」之聽證會。 這場聽證會由眾議院外交事務委員會亞洲小組主席舒民(Brad Sherman)及少數黨最資深成員邱豪(Ted Yoho)主持。參與者則為外交事務委員之議員王威(Ron Wright)、卑華(Ami Bera)、區德士(John Curtis)、佩衞(Perry)、屈娜(Wagner)、 利勳( Levin)、史班弼嘉(Spanberger)、鐵調絲(Titus)。
On 10 December 2019 the Human Rights Day, US Congress Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia held a hearing on the topic “Authoritarianism with Chinese Characteristics: Political and Religious Human Rights Challenges in China”.
The Chair Rep. Brad Sherman and the Ranking Member Rep. Ted Yoho chaired the hearing. Foreign Affairs Committee members Rep. Ron Wright, Rep. Ami Bera, Rep. John Curtis, Rep. Perry, Rep. Wagner, Rep. Levin, Rep. Spanberger and Rep. Titus had attended the hearing.
The hearing covered the human rights situation in Xinjiang and Hong Kong. Ms Joey Siu, Vice President of the City University of Hong Kong Student’s Union testified.
She raised concerns about “6000 protest related arrests” and the excessive use of tear gas: “the Hong Kong Police Force have shown no restraint in using excessive force against the protesters. Until today, the police have fired around 10,000 tear gas canisters, 6,100 rubber bullets, and 19 live rounds, causing irreversible injuries such as permanent blindness and loss of vital organs.”
She continued to raise concerns about the treatment of protesters in detention centres: “In detention centres, detainees are often tortured, ill-treated, and denied access to legal assistance and medical support…Victims have also reported sexual and gender based violence committed by police officers, including unnecessary strip searches, real or threatened assaults on their genitals, and, in a shocking case, rape. One brave teenage girl had filed a complaint against the police after allegedly raped, inside the police station, by multiple police officers. She even needed to undergo a termination of the ensuing pregnancy. There may be many more survivors who have kept silent, for once their expose their identity, they risk retaliation from the authorities.”
邵嵐又提到,自從2016年 梁天琦被DQ及2018年入獄,港人政治權利已被剝奪。因為政治檢控,本民前召集人黃台仰及創會成員李東昇流亡德國。她要求盡速裁制違反人權之香港官員。
She also talked about the Deprivation of Political Freedom since the disqualification and imprisonment of Edward Leung, the spiritual leader of current movement. As a result of political persecution under the public order ordinance, Ray Wong and Alan Li, founders of Hong Kong Indigenous, fled Hong Kong in 2017 and were granted refugees status in Germany.
Ms Siu called for the swift application of sanctions against officials responsible for the violation of human rights.
Sophie Richardson, the China Director of Human Rights Watch focused in her remarks on Xinjiang, but also highlighted the erosion of academic freedom relating to the Hong Kong protests.

資料來源:Hong Kong Watch
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