
就強國人塗污貴湖大學大炮並與黃絲白人衝突一事,滑鐵盧人撐香港Waterluvians Stand With Hong Kong 發起撐黃行動,其發文公告如下:

【今晚!聲援貴湖大學手足 Stand With HK at U of Guelph TONIGHT】
有手足喺貴湖大學嘅 Old Jeremiah 上塗上「Stand With Hong Kong」(該大學嘅傳統係可以喺炮台上寫上字句及標語作宣傳之用),被五毛無恥地迅速刪去並以五星旗嘅顏色覆蓋!佢哋仲派人24小時守住炮台,更唔俾任何人接近!如此打壓其他加拿大人及學生言論嘅做法令人髮指。

今晚(11月26日),Waterluvians Stand With Hong Kong 滑鐵盧人撐香港 發起聲援行動,現懇請多倫多人入 Guelph 加入聲援行列,譴責小粉紅喺加拿大打壓言論自由嘅暴行。有關入貴湖資訊請參閱 Telegram 頻道。

It’s a long-standing tradition at the University of Guelph that students paint on the Old Jeremiah cannon to advocate events. Students have painted “Stand With Hong Kong” yesterday but was quickly vandalised by Chinese students with red paint. Further, they have stationed “troops” there 24/7 to prevent anyone to come close to the cannon, effectively suppressing the freedom of expressions of Canadian and international students alike at the University of Guelph.

UWaterloo students will be there supporting their friends at UGuelph tonight. They are urging Torontonians to please join them in solidarity with Hong Kong.

Hope to see you all at Old Jeremiah at the University of Guelph, tonight (26 Nov) at 9PM.
九點鐘,貴湖大學 Old Jeremiah 炮台 見!

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