Police Siege Chinese University of Hong Kong for a Second Day, over 1000 teargas canisters fired, dozens hurt

Hong Kong Police continue to investigate university campuses and arrest suspects demonstrating in the 5-month (UPDATE: now 6-months) protest movement, but were met with stalwart resistance with elaborate roadblocks, tactical use of terrain, and sports equipment.

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Police stormed CUHK again this morning. Captured from CUHK Campus Radio livestream.

0755 今早繼續有學生於校園內架設路障,十數名防暴警察突然將防線推進至校園範圍內的六號網球場,並將校園內路障清拆。現場未有見保安組職員到場阻止。
Students continue setting up roadblocks on campus. Tens of riot police suddenly push front lines into Tennis Court #6, removing some of the obstacles. No campus security on scene to stop them.

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CUHK roundabout, well guarded. Source: CUHK Campus Radio

0758 今早繼續有學生於中大環迴東路堵路。有學生以磚頭砌成多個「小仲門」作路障,亦有學生將一龍門從夏鼎基足球場搬到路障位置。
Students continue obstructing CUHK roundabout, creating “miniature Zhong Men” (referring to the bronze statue feature on campus) as roadblocks. Some students move a soccer goal from Haddon-Cave Sports field to site.

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Road roller. Source: Campus Radio

0904 有學生從夏鼎基運動場將草坪機駛出,未知用意。
A student drives a lawn roller out, intentions as to what it will be used for is unknown.

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A student flips out towards the police from atop a referee stand.
Bow racks and arrows are among the carts of supplies and materials being extracted from the Sir Haddon-Cave Sports Field at the Chinese University of Hong Kong at 9:10 AM. Photo from CUHK Campus Radio.

0910 有學生將夏鼎基運動場的裁判架及箭架推出環迴東路。
Students move out the referee’s stand and the archery racks out from Haddon-Cave towards the East Roundabout.

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Protesters prepare bows and arrows for use. (Facebook)

0950 Students prepare the sports equipment into use on the defense lines.

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1215 中大副校長吳基培和吳樹培到二號橋對峙現場與示威學生討論意見,涉及保安組職務以及校園範圍劃分。
CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellors Dennis NG Kei-Pui and Vice President Eric NG Shu-Pui arrive on scene to discuss with student demonstrators on security and campus boundary matters.

1215 中大副校長吳基培和吳樹培到二號橋對峙現場與示威學生討論意見,涉及保安組職務以及校園範圍劃分。
CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellors Dennis NG Kei-Pui and Vice President Eric NG Shu-Pui arrive on scene to discuss with student demonstrators on security and campus boundary matters.

1322 校方於下午十二時四十九分於官方telegram頻道發聲名,聲名如下:
School authorities sent out this statement at 1249 via the official Telegram channel:
[CUHK statement on campus safety] At around 10:30 AM, someone destroyed the door locks to the Haddon-Cave Sports Field, broke into the equipment storage, and took away supplies such as bows, arrows, and javelins intended for sports purposes. As arrow tips are metallic, improper usage would pose dangers to passersby.
The school authorities have swiftly dealt with this issue, and have recovered all of the objects.
The school would also like to call on all students and staff to avoid points of conflict when entering or exiting campus to avoid accidents from occurring.

1445 校方代表指會要求警方將防線推回二號橋的另一邊,而示威者亦承諾會將防線推回後面分叉路。

1431 中大學生事務處代表到示威者防線前再與示威者溝通,並希望將死線推遲至下午三時,若警方沒有回應,則會將行動升級。

1418 新聞及傳播學院專業應用副教授潘達培及中文系助教李薇婷女士代表中大教職員到示威者防線前與示威者溝通,並達成共識指示威者不會推前防線,而亦會於下午兩時半前嘗試與警方溝通,希望將校內保安問題交由保安組處理,並且承諾不會推前防線。兩位教職員代表會站在兩方防線中間,希望可以暫時緩和雙方衝突。

1557 警方將防線推進至夏鼎基運動場閘門外,有中大學生被制服及被捕。

1710 校長段崇智下午5時10分出現於崇基新宿鏡房與一眾校方管理層及示威學生相討對策,據悉校方答應會呼籲警方撒出校園。段校長正前往二號橋。

1719 中大宣布明天(11月13日)繼續停課 。

1722 段崇智 向二號橋進發。

1737 示威者從太和路撒退至安邦路期間,有速龍突然從大埔文娛中心衝出並制服至少一男一女,制服後強行拖行女子至暗角,男名為賴俊樂(或同音)。過程中警方不斷推撞本台記者阻礙拍攝搜查過程。

1924 中大校園連續兩日發生激烈衝突,多人受傷被捕。警方以保護鐵路和公路為名於二號橋與中大學生對峙。警方多次發射催淚彈、橡膠子彈驅散示威學生,並曾進入校園範圍拘捕至少九名學生。
Conflicts continue at CUHK as at least nine students were injured and arrested on campus. Tear gas and rubber bullets were fired by the police who claims to be protecting nearby highway and rail tracks from litter thrown by protesters.
CUHK [Vice-chancellor] Rocky Tuan arrived on scene at 5 p.m. and attempted to negotiate with the police. Tuan proposed sending CUHK security and staff members to ensure no litter will be thrown on nearby railways in exchange for a police retreat. Tuan explained to protesting students that he and other senior staff members will later go to police stations to check on the arrested students.
段指警方派防暴警察駐守二號橋因日前有人投擲雜物到吐露港公路,需派員保護公路安全,無意進入校園範圍。段代表校方提出派保安及員工義務守衛屬校園範圍的橋頭避免有人嘗試到橋面投擲,要求警方停留橋面不進入校園範圍。 現場指揮官同意校方的要求,前提校方需保證橋上治安。段強調維持大學安寧的責任在於校方而不是警方,不願今昨兩日的事情再次發生,對事情感到心痛。
[Tuan noted that riot police was dispatched to Bridge No.2 due to objects thrown onto Tolo Harbor highway to ensure road safety, and had no intention to enter campus. Tuan proposed to send out campus security and staff to secure the bridgehead to prevent people from throwing objects onto the highway, in exchange for police not entering campus grounds. The commanding officer on scene accepts the offer, on condition that the school must ensure law and order on the bridge. Tuan reinforced the point that campus peace and safety was the school’s responsibility and not the police, and is disheartened by the events of the past two days.]
[Students on site question the Vice-chancellor regarding the whereabouts of arrested classmates, Tuan responds that he is in touch with the government. The Pro-Vice-chancellor notes that upper management will ensure the arrested students’ rights and will go to the police station later to grasp the situation.]
Protesting students demanded the police to retreat from CUHK campus entirely, and release those who have been arrested on campus over the conflict. They threatened further escalation if both demands were not met by 9 p.m. HKT.

1955 在段校長與學生傾訴後,段等人向警方方向前進,但警方卻以催淚彈、布袋彈等武器攻擊,當時段校長及一眾高層尚未離開現場。
Vice Chancellor Tuan advances towards police (on No.2 bridge) after negotiating with students, and was met with teargas and bean bag rounds. At the time Tuan and fellow upper management have not yet left the vicinity.

Vice Chancellor Rocky Tuan is escorted away by students stuffing a gas mask on his face, as police reneges on promise and fires tear gas canisters.

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Students holding out on Bridge No.2 at 8PM, Nov 12. Image: CUHK Campus Radio

2003 警方與學生在二號橋繼續對峙。現場火勢猛烈,煙霧瀰漫。
Police and students continue holding out on No.2 Bridge, fires blazing strong, smoke prevalent.

2052 防暴警察經已持續發射催淚彈等超過一個小時,多人遭催淚彈擊中受傷,有人頭部受傷,據有線新聞指有示威者背部被燒。
Riot police have continually been firing tear gas for over an hour, numerous hit and injured, with some head injuries. According to iCable News, some demonstrators have their backs lit on fire and burnt.

2135 二號橋上防暴警察後退,示威學生登上橋,水砲車已到科學園一帶。
Riot police recede on NO.2 Bridge; protesters retake bridge. Water cannon truck at Science Park area.

2143 立法會議員區諾軒稱吳基培副校長成功聯絡指揮官,與指揮官達成停火共識,惟前線警員繼續開火。
LegCo legislator AU Nok-Hin reveals CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor Dennis NG Kei-Pui successfully contacted police commanding officer and reached ceasefire, but front lines continue to open fire.

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A truck attempted to run over demonstrators in the University-Tai Po area on Nov. 12.

2258 大埔一田百貨對出,有貨車一度衝向示威人群。貨車被焚燒,火勢先已平息。
A truck is burned out outside YATA Department store in Tai Po. A truck attempted to charge toward demonstrators, and was subsequently burnt. The fire has since subsided.

0032 Police retreat, thugs take their place and hunting down singled out students.

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Former Vice-Chancellor Joseph Sung arrives at Haddon-Cave Sports Field, now a field hospital, with a team of doctors. (Facebook)

0213 中大前校長沈祖堯較早前到達中文大學,跟隨他到中大的,還有全香港最頂尖的醫生團隊。和一名前線急救員在臨時由體育館改建的急救站閒聊,他說:「全香港最top嘅專科醫生都喺到,我入去都唔知做到乜。」
Earlier today CUHK former Vice-chancellor Dr. Joseph Sung arrives with a team of medical doctors to provide aid. He stated at the Haddon-Cave Sports Field, now converted to a field hospital, “the top specialist doctors of Hong Kong are all here. I don’t know what I else I can do from here.”

0245 轉出去﹐即刻 火炭駿景園有20-50個刀手行緊
Repost immediate: 20 to 50 people with knives walking near Royal Ascot, Fo Tan

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0255 Protesters reinforce barricades with fire, lighted with fire arrows. (Source: Shuo Online)

0255 示威者中大鞏固防線 一度試射火箭
Protesters reinforce barricades defense lines, and let loose a fire arrow.

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