專訪:西藏青年領袖Sunny Sonam : we need to stick together because unity is power

Sunny Sonam, the vice president of Tibetan Youth Congress said: “The reason why I feel like doing this protest is [to go] against Chinese Communist. They are celebrating around the world saying that [there are] 100 years of happiness. But when you look at it, it is not happiness: how many tragedies, how many lives have been lost.”

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吳溫溫:海外要幫港出聲 Winnie Ng: Overseas Hong Kongers should voice out for Hong Kong

On July 1 this year is the 100 year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party. Various communities, including Hong Kongers, Tibetans, Vietnamese, Chinese, Uyghurs, Burmese and Taiwanese, joined to protest against CCP, in an event titled “100 Years of Oppression”. We interviewed co host Winnie Ng to talk about her views on Canadian Hong Kongers’ democratic movement.

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專訪:本土派老將流亡雪國: 「不放棄就不會輸」

受訪流亡手足化名Peter,與妻子Mary一起流亡到加拿大,他倆都是本土派的老鬼,自從雨傘開始活躍於社運。對於他們在社運擔當甚麼角色,Peter表示具體唔講得,一旦自己身份被揭露不單危及在港家人,更會累到隊友。他表示,「無分咁細,有活動就打前線,平時宣傳、後防乜位都打,到咗海外咪打國際線囉,be water。」問到香港情況急轉直下,會否灰心?他表示「不放棄就不會輸,中共可以消滅我地肉身,但無法消滅仇恨。」

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專訪鄭俠:港獨旗飄揚 Interviewing Paladin Cheng: When HK Independence Flag is Flying

*The English one is translation of Chinese article. Shall there be any discrepancies, the Chinese version shall precede. 鄭俠近日一炮而紅,不少傳媒都找他訪問。不過這不代表他會擺架子,相反,筆者午飯後找他,當時香港半夜,筆者也只想留下message約他訪問。不料他照應不誤,結果談至香港翌晨五時許,他小睡一會,十時便把剩下問題答完,然後上班去也。這種作息非常香港,一點也不加拿大。如此香港的香港人,揮舞香港獨立旗,也格外有份量。 Paladin

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[獨家專訪]ACHK王卓妍昂然踏前路 [exclusive interview] ACHK Cherie Wong: Keep calm and carry on. // Cherie Wong de l’ACHK : Restez calme et continuez.


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Friend of victims of Iran plane crash: government should provide special immigration assistance

The plane crash is indeed a tragedy, and it is really saddening for the friends and relatives of the victims. We are thankful to have had an interview with Mr. Ali Naseri, who is a student from the University of Toronto and he kindly shared his feelings on the loss of his close friends. He also gives us advice on how we can reach out to those who are affected, and the measures that can be made by Canadian government to help with the issue.

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