專訪:西藏青年領袖Sunny Sonam : we need to stick together because unity is power

Sunny Sonam, the vice president of Tibetan Youth Congress said: “The reason why I feel like doing this protest is [to go] against Chinese Communist. They are celebrating around the world saying that [there are] 100 years of happiness. But when you look at it, it is not happiness: how many tragedies, how many lives have been lost.”

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14手足在加獲批難民 Breaking! 14 HK activists were granted asylum in Canada


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耶穌都撐持槍權!Jesus is Pro-Second Amendment! By Chapman Chen

摘要:耶穌照計會捍衛美國憲法第二修正案:藏有武器的權利。耶穌話:我帶來的係刀劍,而非和平(馬太福音10:34)。釘十字架之前,耶穌指示門徒為未來傳教買長刀自衛(路加福音22:35-38)。偽教牧常引耶穌以下兩段話,告訴基督徒不應武裝自衛。首先,耶穌登山寶訓似乎叫信眾「擰埋另一邊臉俾人打」。但該處重點是:有人侮辱你時,勿以侮辱回應。再者,當猶大帶一班武裝人員來逮捕耶穌時,彼得拔刀反抗,但耶穌命他收刀入鞘,「事關持劍者必死於劍下」(馬太福音26:52)。其實,耶穌甘心被捕,係要實現聖經預言,而且擔心彼得寡不敵眾,會有生命危險。另一方面,舊約期望每個以色列人都擁有自己的武器,以保家衛國家,而殺死入侵家宅的竊匪並不算犯罪。 耶穌係持鎗權支持者 《美國憲法》第二修正案規定:不得侵犯國民保留及攜帶武器的權利。 根據保守派領袖兼Wall Builders創始人David Barton的講法,美國立國先賢撰寫《第二修正案》時的初衷是要保障公民「合乎聖經的自衛權」。前州長莎拉·帕蓮Sarah Palin(阿拉斯加)一五年十一月二十日在面書寫道:「耶穌會為我們的第二修正案而戰,就算上帝都叫你擰起武器,保護自己,保衛無辜。」帕蓮是零八年共和黨副總統候選人。她隨後引用聖經捍衛受憲法保護的持槍權。 「不信我嗎? 查下路加福音22:36吧,足證耶穌是持槍權的支持者。」   耶穌曾經命門徒買刀 根據路加福音22章的記載,耶穌上十字架前,指示教徒買武器自衛。 借用Mary Fairchild(2018)的話,「他正幫他們準備應付未來傳教時,將要面臨的極端反對和迫害」: 耶穌又同他們講: 我差你們出去時, 無銀包,無袋無鞋,你們有無缺甚麼 ? 他 們答: 無。 耶穌話:

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Proofs that Jesus was Vegan 慈愛耶穌食全素. By Chapman Chen

Summary: “I came to abolish sacrifices, and unless you cease from sacrificing, my anger will not cease from you,” says Jesus Christ in the Ebionite Gospel. Contrary to mainstream churches’ belief, Jesus Christ was vegan. Jesus’s natural brother, James the Just, is reported to have been vegan. “Who and whatever James was, so was Jesus.” (Eisenman 1997). In fact, Jesus was an animal rights activist. He cared about sparrows, asses, pigeons, lamb, etc. His rejection of animal sacrifice brought him into head-on confrontation with the Temple Priests, resulting in his arrest, trial and crucifixion. Jesus also deliberately held the Last Supper before the Lamb-eating Passover (John 13).

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奧圖爾勒令華使叢培武道歉 Erin O’Toole demands China’s ambassador to Canada to publicly apologise to Canadians, or be kicked out

早前中國大使叢培武就加拿大接收香港難民一事表示加拿大干涉中国內政,並恐嚇指有三十萬加拿大在中国控制的香港,因而被加拿大國際事務官員傳召要求解釋。就此保守黨黨魁奧圖爾要求叢培武道歉,否則渥太華應驅逐此人出境。 Canada’s Global Affairs officials summoned China’s top diplomat in Canada for a private dressing down Thursday after remarks he made

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